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The Boys' Brigade and The Girls' Association is a National Christian youth organisation committed to providing a safe environment in which boys, girls and young people can develop socially and emotionally towards mature adulthood with a sense of values which benefit the communities in which they live.

Only five years after its founding in Glasgow, The Boys’ Brigade came to Nottingham. The first Company was started at St. Andrew’s Church in October 1888 and was here until 1999. We restarted in September 2013 to include girls as well as boys for ages 5-14. In fact 2013 marked the 125th anniversary of Boys' Brigade in Nottingham.

We meet on Mondays during Nottingham City school term times, at St Andrew's Community Hall 1b Chestut Grove NG3 5AD:

St Andrew's Community Hall map

More details are available on the pages for each group:
Anchors (ages 5-8), Juniors (ages 8-11) and Company/Seniors (ages 11-18).
Depending which group you are in, there is a small weekly sub which equates to £1-£1.50 although subs are payable termly.

BB 125 logo

All our leaders and helpers are DBS checked (previously known as CRB).

Captain Mrs Nikola Voce
Anchors Mr Chris Howes
Juniors Mrs Ruth Lancastle
Company/Seniors Mrs Rebecca Bilsbrough
Chaplain Mrs Janette Ace


St Andrew's Church

Boys' Brigade Nottingham Battalion

Boys' Brigade England

The Object of the Boys' Brigade and Girls' Association is
The advancement of Christ's kingdom among young people and the promotion of habits of Obedience, Reverence, Discipline, Self-respect and all that tends towards true Christian fellowship.